Guestpost! Roar Ridola on his hero Katerine:
I really don't have anything smart to say about Philippe Katerine. He's one of my favourite artists, past and present for sure. And he drives me nuts. From his debut in the early 90s up until today he essentially hasn't repeated any of his many successful formulas in his solo albums. So when I'm transported to a siren-like place when I listen to his delicate chamber pop on L'education anglaise (1994, with vocals by his sister Anne), that particular comfort is brought to an end when I play any of his other albums. It's nowhere else to be found. Nor is his dandyish, lightly jazz-tinged pop on Mes mauvaises frequentations (96). Sometimes that's a good thing though. The wayward pop wizardry on Les mariages chinois et la lecture (93) isn't a stunt that direly needs an encore. Nor am I particularly fond of L'homme a trois mains (99), on which Katerine admittedly sings a couple of fine songs, but also far too much of what appears to be spur-of-the-moment stuff mostly backed by an acoustic guitar, random noise, and sampled dialogue. His policy of re-inventing himself, however, is fundamentally a good thing. It's how he came to record Les creatures (99), which might be considered a coming of age album or taking the piss of exactly that, quite bohemian in style (with occasional free-jazz leanings and all) and a clean break from the light retropop sensibilities on his previous efforts. On 8eme ciel (2002) he at times repeats some tricks from Les creatures, but goes much further in scope of styles and instrumentation. Finally, on his last album, Robots apres tout(05), he surprises his audience by doing electroclash (of sorts).
For greater stylistic consistency the listener is recommended to check out Katerine's fine collaboration with artists such as Les Soeurs Winchester, Anna Karina, and Helena, which - essential as this work is to Katerine's discography as well - isn't part of this post. Nor are Katerine's soundtracks.
Below are mp3s from each of Katerine's solo albums that I find essential. Please enjoy!
Les mensonges (from L'education anglaise)
Le coup de feu (from Mes mauvaise frequentations)
Jesus Christ mon amour (from Les creatures)
Des etoiles (from 8eme ciel)
Borderline (from Robots apres tout)
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