UPDATE: more versions added, by James Iha & Kazu Makino, by Luna (live-version), by Hbsk (check his site!) and by Steve Wynn & Johnette Napolitano. Merci á Franss, Jean-Luc and Emily.
Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie & Clyde
Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie & Clyde (English version) (merci á Euclide)
Addictive Larsen - Bonnie & Clyde
Steve & Heather - Bonnie & Clyde
Hbsk - Bonnie & Clyde
Luna & Laetitia Sadier - Bonnie & Clyde (Clyde Barrow version)
Luna & Laetitia Sadier - Bonnie & Clyde (Bonnie Parker version)
Luna - Bonnie & Clyde (live)
Stereolab - Bonnie & Clyde (demo-version)
Wayne Horvitz & Robin Holcomb - Bonnie & Clyde
Syria - Bonnie & Clyde
Bout d'Chou - Bonnie und Clyde (German version)
Mick Harvey - Bonnie & Clyde (English version)
Hopscotch - Bonnie & Clyde (English version)
Walkabouts - Bonnie & Clyde (English version)
Walkabouts - Bonnie & Clyde - live in Bruxelles (English version) (merci á Franss)
James Iha & Kazu Makino - Bonnie & Clyde (English version)
Steve Wynn & Johnette Napolitano - Bonnie & Clyde (English version)
Oh! Penelope - Bonnie & Clyde (Japanese version) (merci á Earthgoesaround)
Jon Auer - Bonnie & Clyde (instrumental version)
Matthew Herbert - Bonnie & Clyde remix
MC Solaar - Nouveau Western
If you have other versions, please send 'm to me!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYeah, it's me again. Really, really, really thank you for all these cover versions of one of my favourite songs by Serge Guuzbourg -er, Gainsbourg. And for a dream that will probably never come true: a duet featuring Vanessa (from Vanessa And The O's) and Benjamin Biolay!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOne of my favorite is the version of Baby Birkin on the CD "Classée X."
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHere is the tracklisting:
1 Black...white / 2 Harley Davidson / 3 Mélo mélo / 4 69 année érotique / 5 Raccrochez, c’est une horreur / 6 Classée X / 7 Néfertiti / 8 Jane B / 9 Et même / 10 Dents de lait, dents de loup / 11 Di doo dah / 12 Bonnie & Clyde
Came out in october 1998 on Dishy Records.
Will send you other ones.
I wrote a couple of times about Gainsbourg covers by Japanese artists on my blog, including a version of Bonnie and Clyde by Oh! Penelope here:
Btw, love your blog, I listen to every song you post!
(oh, and I know one more version of B&C: Wonderwall by Oasis! :)
Merci a tous. I know there are versions by Walkabouts and Steve Wynn. Anybody familiar with those? Can you send them to me?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis made waking up in the middle of the night completely worthwhile: thanks!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'll mail you a version by Stereolab when I come back from my Sunday morning walk in the woods!!
Walkabouts-version linked, as is Jon Auer's instrumental cover
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAha, so this is where those great soundscapes from Nouveau Western come from.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGoldfish, got my wish.
Do you want more?
BeantwoordenVerwijderen1986 - Baroque Bordello
1994 - Renegade Soundwave - (Mark Stent 7”mix) - (Mark Stent whistling guitar mix) - (7” instrumental mix)
1997 - Guesh Patti & D’arche Joshua - Atlas, Coups De Cœur
1997 - Wayne Horvitz & Robin Holcomb - Great Jewish Music
1998 - Josiane Balasko & Patrick Timsit - Les Enfoirés 98
1999 - (Good Luck Shore) sample - United Future Organization - Bon Voyage
2000 - Pierre Alain Goualch - Exploring The Music Of Gainsbourg
2000 - spoken by Maurice Garrel on 2 CD Portraits
2006 - Nolwenn Leroy & Elie Semoun in the show "Gainsbourg pour toujours" as seen 30th march 2006 on France 2.
American indie-pop band Luna also did a version on their 1995 album "Penthouse".
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmmkay, I'm blind, Luna is already on your list...
BeantwoordenVerwijderencoates, by all means, email those versions to me! guuzbourg(at)gmail.com
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni feel like i just died after finding this post.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenit is the best one ever, and i check in everyday.
thank you
thank you
thank you.
The Syria version is in italian language!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnd the male voice is belonging to the singer of Baustelle the italian greatest new band!!!
They play a mixture of Morricone-Gainsbourg-Kraftwerk-esque infectious pop with mind!!!!
Find their albums and listen to them a pure gem of great music.
This is the link to the stereolab version mentioned earlier with info.
No thanks Guuz... ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for the link to the Stereolab version - I've added the song to the post.
BeantwoordenVerwijderen(Did I forget to properly thank you, André?)
(That's oke, glad to be of service)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI've got a version by Michele Richard and Denis Pantis on a compil called "Les années 60".
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI've got the Steve Wynn and Walkabouts versions. Please tell me what is the best way to send them to you.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPlease i need de song the ballad of bonnie and clyde of kazu makino & james iha.
i can`t findit in anywhere!!
you can sendme the song?
mi e-mail: dasanderei@hotmail.com
BeantwoordenVerwijderencould you make it available again,
thank you,
bonnie & clyde (herbert`s fred & ging)
loving bonnie & clyde from herbert...