Take a porcelain voice, a Vanessa Paradis-like body, a broad musical range (like Petula Clark's), an accent like Birkin et voilà Andrea Lindsay. The description is taken from this review, which also gives some background on the Ontario born songstress, who listened to Janis Joplin and Nirvana as a teen, was part of the duo Tuesday 5 and fell in love with the French language when on holiday in Paris. She then moved to Montréal, and made two albums. This spring, La Belle Étoile was released, again with 'musique francophone avec parfum anglo'. Andrea smuggles some English words and sentences in her songs. But she easily does a Brazilian bossa-classic, or the famous Porque te Vas by Jeannette. Andrea reminds me (and L'hotelier particulier Maks, who told me about Andrea first) a lot of Vanessa Paradis in the early nineties. Andrea even has that space between her teeth. Speaking of which, I just remembered that Dutch rockband Benjamin B. wrote a song about Vanessa Paradis, called Gap: "Your tiny gap keeps me awake, and makes me wonder/It's not your lips I do believe, it's that little space between your teeth."
Andrea Lindsay - Porque te vas
Andrea Lindsay - Les Yeux de Marie
Andrea Lindsay on YouTube
What a cute voice. Love her! And lovin Vanessas gap as well! :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery very very nice ! I love the song "Bonne année". Someone i'll follow :-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks for the samples. I really like her voice and these songs. I'd love to get her album but amazon.fr doesn't seem to have it. Is there anywhere else online that sells La Belle Etoile? Thanks!
I also considered some difficulties getting this CD. But someone told me to get it at http://www.amazon.ca/Belle-Etoile-Andrea-Lindsay/dp/B000F6ZI0G/ref=sr_11_1/702-1914497-4351249
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnd it's pretty much worth it.
Precious. Nice Spanish, and suitable, as Jeanette also sang with accent.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBelieve it or not, I got the album on ebay! It's worth a try.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI've been e-mailing requests to hear Andrea at CKOI.com and they never play her! What gives!
Maybe if a few of us bug them...
It was the same thing with Pierre Lapointe a few years ago...why don't they play these people BEFORE they sell a million copies?