Second entry for this short series featuring beautiful piano-ballades is
Ne Me Demande Rien by
Dorval. It's from their first album
Les Choses de la Vie, produced by Benjamin Biolay and still one of my all-time favourite Filles Sourires-albums. I love the Chopin-ical piano-melody (played by Laurent Manganas, the man-in-the-shadows behind Dorval), the moment the wood-instrumentation comes into play and ofcourse that broke-my-heart-so-many-times-melancholy in Pascale Baehrel's voice. The song, to me, is about two lovers who have settled for each other, who aren't sure any more if they're still in love, but are afraid to ask:
On est heureux, c'est presque rien/Il suffisait de le vouloir/On est heureux mais ne dis rien/On pourrait's'en apercevoir.
Dorval - Ne Me Demande Rien
Very beautiful song. I'm not keen on her voice... but this song is perfect !