maandag 13 augustus 2007

Marine Boréale

If Marine Boréale becomes a big star, and there's reason to believe she will, remember where you heard her first, boys & girls. Thanks to singer/songwriter Joachim Janinn, here's two demosongs by the Belgian beauty, that reminds me a little of sweet li'l Roxane K. Joachim wrote a bunch of nice, sunny songs, with influeces of vaudeville and bossanova, that need some tweaking. Joachim wrote: "Marine's a Birkin-Gainsbourg and Biolay fan. At this time, she took some acting classes, but never studied music (neither did Astrud Gilberto). She's also not quite sure the sounds I'm using for these tracks are great, but she loves the songs and knows that someday, a producer will appear and give us the opportunity to record all that with real musicians..." Fingers crossed!

Marine Boréale - Noel en Été
Marine Boréale - Les najas nains

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Awesome, cher Guuz. Can't get enough of the Noel en Ete track -- Greets from Munich, S.

  2. Really good, the production has a certain charm. I like her stuff.

  3. Thanks to both of you, it's very uplifting to read that :)

    JJ & MB

  4. What a beautiful tune, "No more love song", good composer!
