In the mood for some cheese? Spanish duo
Baccara (Mayte & Maria) were discovered on the isle of Fuerteventura, where they were entertaining tourists. Germans Rolf Soja & Frank Dostal wrote big European hits for the duo, like S
orry I'm a Lady and
Yes Sir, I Can Boogie. In 1978 they represented Luxembourg at the Eurovision Songcontest with the song posted here,
Parlez-vous Francais? Baccara -
Parlez-vous Francais?Hear Here.
Anybody any idea if the b-side to this single is as badmeaninggood as the A-side?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI'm two or three years too young to have an active memory of Baccara, though my sister and I used to sing "Yes sir, I can boogie" in our car. She's two years older than I am and always played Boney M and Abba. A couple of years later I contemptfully labeled this music 'music for girls.' Now? Well, I like the very light and poppy disco of "Parlez-vous francais." In a way. But please don't tell anyone. Roar:)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenPS! Since it's the only disco song I know in French, my favourite is "La vie en rose" by Grace Jones. But had I known more disco songs in French, it would probably still be my favourite. And the weirdest disco song I know is Zoo's "Jeg, robot" (I, robot), which is about robot eroticism. Well, some songs are sexy when they ought not be! Be happy the song's in Norwegian. Later Zoo's singer went solo and appeared in the Eurovision song contest for Norway. Schucks! Think I've read too much about this dreadful contest on the web lately :)
Coincidence or not: Baccara almost went to the Eurovision Songcontest for Sweden in the nineties, but they weren't selected...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWell, pity they weren't. Now many countries have made poor contributions to the Eurovision song contest, but don't I just hate those blond boy bands Sweden has a knack for! And they did that long before boy groups were in (have them appear for Sweden, that is). I'm sure Baccara would have been a lot more entertaining.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAlso, I must correct myself. Katerine's "Je vous emmerde" has a disco-ish feeling to it (an immaculately cool song). So I have two French favourites at least. Oh well. Roar :)
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