Alexandre/SOM is a regular contributor to FS. Here's his list. Emily Loizeau (no.4) is pictured.
1 Keren Ann - Nolita (2004)
I could put any of Keren Ann album in this list. I've chosen this one because Que n'ai-je is maybe one of the best French song ever ! A classic.
2 Daphné - Carmin (2007)
When I discovered this abum I couldn't stop listening it. The voice of Daphne is incredible. "Mourir d'un oeil" is my favorite song of the album...
3 Camille - Le fil (2005)
More than a great album, the project is a stunning revolution in French chanson. I remember the first time, when I heard most of the songs in a special Camille's show. It was three monthes before the release of the album. I told myself that Camille would change everything in the French music industry. That's exatly what she did. After Camille, a new generation of chanteuses appeared... For our pleasure... My favorite song "Vertige"
4 Emily Loizeau - L'autre bout du monde (2006)
A French folk... Simplicity of poetry... I love "Comment dire" and "L'autre bout du monde".
5 Jeremie Kisling - Monsieur Obsolete (2003)
When I discovered this album, I had the impression this guy was telling what I had in mind. I love the melodies of the songs. I love the childish words. It's like a never ending charm, even 7 years later... My favorite song is "Ordinaire"
6 Dani - Tout depend du contexte (2003)
Maybe one of the most unexpected album of the decade. the idea of a collaboration with Renaud Letang and Gonzales is the best thing that could happen to Dani. Miossec, Daniel Darc, Alain Chamfort was there too. For me it's an album in the pure Gainsbourg's tradition. My favorite song is "Reine d'Autriche"
7 Claire Diterzi - Boucle (2006)
A strong personnality. A risky mix between chanson and electronic. Claire Diterzi and her pure voice proposed a new vision of rock. My favorite song is "Infidele"
8 Vincent Delerm - Vincent Delerm (2002)
Nobody can write a song like him. This guy is unique.
9 Barbara Carlotti - Les lys brises (2007)
I met Barbara when I was in New York. She was playing at Joe's Pub the day after. I didn't know her music, except "Cannes". Before the interview I listened to this album. I never stopped listening it ! My favorite song is "D'accord".
10 Benjamin Biolay - La Superbe (2009)
When I first wrote this list, this album was not inside. I didn't have time to appreciate the whole jewel... This album is incredible. Maybe if I had written this list the next month it would have been #01... It's hard to choose a favorite song... "15 août" or "La Superbe" or "Ton héritage"
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