Gallic garage entrepreneurs Les Terribles are suckers for French yéyé icons Larry Greco and Christine Pilzer: As for their collaboration with Christine, watch this. However, their coolest pick so far has been Pourquoi Je Pleure – a cover of Why Do I Cry by The Remains, Boston’s mid-sixties pre-punksters featuring genius guitarist/ songwriter Barry Tashian who would later play on Gram Parsons’ country hippie debut G.P. The original is unbeatable, but Les Terribles throw in a gorgeous female voice and some kick-in-the-nuts fuzz riffwork. 1966 again!
Les Terribles – Pourquoi Je Pleure
The Remains – Why Do I Cry (Live version)
Talk about 6 degrees of separation...hip French band, ye-ye, mid-60s Boston and Gram Parsons. All things I love. Your blog continues to amaze week after week after week. Many thanks as always.