Oliver and Rolf of Le Pop are a huge influence on this blog, and of my preoccupation with French Music. I almost nodded my head off when I read what they wrote as an introduction to the Le Pop 5 compilation (the seventh compilation they did so far): 'Our aim is to show the beauty of current French music from France, Canada or other French-speaking countries. As usual, in doing so we apply our own selection criteria, where as of yet unknown artists can stand their ground next to the stars. Totally subjective, and therefore totally personal. And without any notion of a fight against anything (say, Anglo-American culture, Gzbrg), because in a fight the chances are high you clench.'
Le Pop 5 contains songs of the highest quality, by artists that have been featured on this blog too. Like Sammy Decoster, Dominique A, Coeur de Pirate, Vincent Delerm and Chat.
Bastien Lallement & Armelle Pioline - La plage
Damn, you're right! Took Bastien a while then to finish his album (I wonder where I got La Plage from in the first place?)