Here are the results of the Filles Sourires jury, thanks everyone who send a top 5. Fun facts: four albums in this top 5 are debuts; 50 percent of the top5-senders were girls; one guy put an album sung in English in his top 5, but added that is was sung with a strong French accent.
Coeur de Pirate - Coeur de Pirate. Your comments: 'And suddenly there she was, as could be expected from fille fragile, whispers sweet words in your ear, and the songs will stay there, they won't go away; they are forever, like a tattoo.'
'Sssht... just listen and shiver.'
'From out of nowhere it came and destroyed all corners for the title.'
'It's unbelievable beautiful and a damn shame you have to order something excellent like this in Canada.'
Coeur de Pirate - Berceuse2.
Berry - Mademoiselle. Your comments: 'Images of flaring dresses, bubbling blanquettes and sultry evenings: Berry was queen of summer with her catching songs and adorable appearance.'
'I listen to her when I’m having a bad day and she makes me smile.'
Berry - Cheri3.
Loane - Jamais Seule. Your comments: 'Dark, smouldering ballads beautifully and fragilely rendered.'
'Soft, sweet, sexy and soulful.'
Loane - Petit Bonheur4.
Marianne Dissard - L'Entredeux. Your comments: 'If Paris, Texas would have a 2009 sequel, I'd ask Marianne and the guys from Calexico for the score in stead of Ry Cooder.'
'This quote from LA Weekly says it all - If you don't fall in love with her from the moment she says hello, then you will have done by the time she finishes the first line of her first song, and if you're not melting by then, you have a swinging brick instead of a soul.'
Marianne Dissard - Les Draps Sourds5.
Claire Diterzi - Tableau de chasse. Your comments: 'Comparisons with Kate Bush and Bjork are unfair. Tableau is an original, quirky but always compelling mixture of the experimental, gothic and ethereal, with traces of World. But not necessarily this one.'
'Fabulously inventive songs by ms.Diterzi'.
Claire Diterzi - Tableau de la chasseHonourable mentions: Barbara Carlotti - L'ideal; Maya Barsony - Femme d'exterieur, and Poney Express - Poney Express.